Jimmy’s Ginormous Hiccups!

Poor Jimmy had trouble eating his tea and could only have a few mouthfuls. The hiccups seemed to get worse.
"The only other thing to do, is to go to Granny Bridger. She will know what to do," said Jimmy’s Mother. Granny Bridger was a very old lady who lived just outside the village and knew about lots of things. When Jimmy and his Mother got to her garden gate, Jimmy gave such a HUGE HICCUP that he jumped over the gate. Granny Bridger must have heard because she came to her front door.
"You’d better not come too close Jimmy," she said, " or you’ll hit your head on the roof."
"Please Granny, could you help us. Jimmy just cannot stop hiccuping and I think they’re getting worse," pleaded Jimmy’s Mother.

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