Jimmy’s Ginormous Hiccups!

"You’d better stay in the front garden while I go and prepare a special herbal tea for Jimmy," Granny said and went into her kitchen. She took a small basket and went out of the back door, across the field and into the wood nearby. She knew where a special plant grew near a fairy ring. Soon she was plodding back through the field and into her kitchen. She boiled some water to put on the leaves she had gathered. While the leaves soaked in the water she went to see how Jimmy was doing. He was still jumping about her garden, trying not to tread on her flowers. "I’ll just go and get your special drink," and Granny. She added some cold water, so it was not too hot for Jimmy, and took it out to Jimmy, "Now dear, we must wait for a hiccup then you must stand on your head and drink this. It’s minty so you’ll like it." After the next hiccup, Jimmy’s Mother and Granny helped him to stand on his head then Granny held the mug while Jimmy drank the mint tea all up. Do you know what? Jimmy did not jump once and the way home, and he never, ever had hiccups again.

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