Jimmy’s Ginormous Hiccups!

Suddenly one morning, while Jimmy was eating his cornflakes, he had a hiccup. Not just an ordinary one but a great big HICCUP. So big,, that when he hiccuped he jumped out of his chair, spilling his breakfast over the table. Just then his Mother came in.
"What are you doing?" she asked, watching the milk dribble onto the floor. "I couldn’t help it, Mum, I hiccuped." "Well, just be more careful," said his Mother mopping it up. Then Jimmy hiccuped again, this time jumping at least half a metre off the floor. "Goodness me," said his Mother, "I’ve never seen or heard such a big hiccup!"
Jimmy got ready for school, but it took longer than usual as he kept hiccuping his way around his bedroom. His Mother said that they would probably wear off and not to worry. Even going to school, poor Jimmy had trouble keeping on the pavement. All his friends thought it was very funny when he hiccuped and jumped in the air, but he was getting rather tired of it all.

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