Quest Seekers

Reading Quest for Team KMH

    Hi all visitors to KMH!

Our latest challenge has bee Quest Seekers from the local library! It is a cool way to get into reading more books, and you get great stuff like posters, and properly mad stuff like scratch and sniff stickers! Wow they are really crazy! The first sticker you get is supposed to smell of fire, and smells like barbecue sauce, and the second one smells like small sweets called Parma Violets! WebKarnage (our technical director) used to have those when he was a kid, and that's a VERY long time ago!!! We are waiting to get the last sticker in the set, and we will report back with the results when we have them.

To earn these stickers you have to choose some cool books, and read two of them. If you choose good books, that is fun to do anyway, so it seems like a real bonus! Two of the books read here were:-

Mrs Magic : Magic Hotel by Wendy Smith

What's Eating You by Nicola Davies

and they were loads of fun! See if you can find them in your local library.